Tuesday, May 10, 2011

pilled out

To me, owning this record almost seems like it should be a priority for any self respecting Australian punk record collector. This is the s/t LP from Melbourne hardcore band Depression. Black vinyl. Reactor Records. To be honest, I don't really know why I hadn't picked this up earlier.
This set me back a measly $20 plus postage from the US. I was expecting to pay more.
Gatefold sleeve.
This sleeve has certainly seen better days, but for a record of this age, I almost expected it to be like this. It's 26 years old after all.
These guys get lots of comparisons to Infest and other later American bands. I'm going to go out on a bit of a limb here and say that most of these misinformed comparisons stem mostly from the cover art on offer here with this album. Obvious similarities to the two Infest LP's and a few other bands from that late 80's era of hardcore are probably where it all comes from. This LP eventuated before Infest and sounds vastly different from the majority of that bands recorded output. Here you get a distinctively Australian sound which borders on a slight UK 82 kind of vibe sometimes. What do I know really though? It's more than possible that Infest took some influences from these guys.
It still impresses me that our country was producing music of this quality such a long time ago. This rivals nearly anything from the US of the same era.

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