Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Zero Mentality

Here's the test press of the new B9 reissue of the Antidote 7". I got this on eBay, I paid a silly amount of cash for it. I find it weird that the test is coloured, but maybe that's a regular that I'm just not familiar with? I don't have that many test's. This one comes in just a hand stamped dust sleeve.
I'm not one to subscribe to the whole hero worship thing, and in turn I'm never really interested in autographs etc, but this signature from Nunzio himself makes it kind of cool.

1 comment:

Good One Dick Head! said...

United and a couple other plants call for the tests on colour if you're pressing coloured vinyl (especially if you're not doing black), as it gives the closest representation to what the end product will sound like.

I was really hoping the repress of the I Exist LP was going to have the tests on colour, but alas, they were not...