Saturday, May 28, 2011

dry your eyes

This is "A Hessian's Confession", the debut 7" from this pisstake Australian grindcore band, Michael Crafter. Stupid name and shtick aside, this is moderately achieved grindcore. Mid to high pitch vocals, fast tempos, punk guitar tone. Comparable I guess to bands like Magrudergrind/Phobia etc etc in the sense of how rough it is. Cherry/Pink wax of 100. Another 150 exist on black. Tenzenmen Records.
I've never paid a huge amount of attention to these nerds because of their stupid gimmick. They did a tape last year that I think I listened to once and that was it. They may have also released something else since then, I'm not too sure. This record isn't at all bad though. Well recorded, concise. It's probably their best stuff that I've heard so far and I wil probably pay a bit more attention to this EP.


marrowmonkey said...

But like... cool nerds right?

Six Nightmares Productions said...

Definition of a good review..

Sean said...

i direct you to the second paragraph on the linked page. thankyou.

Six Nightmares Productions said...

Just having a laugh old mate!