Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I've always made an effort to buy Pulling Teeth records for some reason. Sometimes I don't really know why, I mean they've got a reasonably consistent discography thus far, and that last LP was easily their best work to date, but none of it has ever really made any kind of lasting impression in my head. There's the odd song here or there, the odd hook, but it's all 'like it or leave it' really. Thanks to A389 Records, this is their new split 7" with Aaron Melnick's new band Shin To Shin. One song from each band, if it weren't for a few factors, it's more than likely that I wouldn't have even bothered with this record. First up, the PT song is nothing special. It's typical of what you'd expect from them; fast, heavy, rough. They've done worse, but then, they have done better. One of the things that did made me buy this 7" though, was the very cool artwork. I mean, you see it, and I guess if you think about it, it's nothing amazing or original, but for whatever reason, the idea and the colour scheme really grab me. The other defining factor is quite simply, the STS song, 'Extinction'. Jesus fucking christ, quite possibly the song of the year. I make no joke. Think Bastard crossed with a little Slayer maybe and you may get close. The riffs and the leads in this song make me shiver. I don't know what else to say.
Anyway, this is on a kind of purple smudge vinyl. From what I can recall, at least two other A389 releases used this exact colourway this year. Not sure why Dom went with that, maybe he gets a discount? Maybe he just likes the colour? I'll post a pic of all of the A389 releases with this colourway at a later point.
After somewhat of an extensive search I haven't been able to find any real soild info on Shin To Shin, other than various people saying that it's Melnick's new band. There's no pics, no more songs, nothing. Alot of people seem excited though, and this one song I think is definitely reason enough to be so. If anyone knows of anything more (pics, info, more music, future plans etc), get at me, I'm intrigued.


Evan said...

Rumor is that there will be a full length released in later 2010 or 2011.

I'm stoked on the new PT full length. Should be so good.

Sean said...

yeah after all i just said, i will probably buy the new PT haha. like i said, i dont hate their stuff.

Video Disease said...

if he presses through United, then that is "garbage" vinyl. they put all the scraps of vinyl together and press your record, it usually comes out that ugly purple/grey color.

Good One Dick Head! said...

I reckon VD is spot on in this one. They do it cheaper than black vinyl sometimes.

I am siked to buy this split now.