First Pressing, 2016
Black Vinyl /??
I was hugely fond of this bands first two LP's and more or less assumed that they had disbanded after an extensive period of non activity. They returned mid last year with this, their new album, along with a new drummer. Unfortunately, to me this one doesn't really meet the calibre of earlier material. They're going for something a little different here I think, more experimental bits, touches of melody, light atmosphere here and there, and the new guy can't blast as well as the old one. I get it, they needed to experiment a little (it's not even that much, just bits and pieces here and there), but I'm pretty one minded with my likes in Grindcore, and this one steps out of the box just a little too much for me. It's not even that progressive, but the less than great recording compounds these facts and I just haven't spun this nearly as much as they're first two in the time that I have had it.