A relatively well known Brisbane record store recently reopened their shop front in my local shopping center last week much to my pleasure. Honestly, I don't often pay visits to local stores, as I rarely find anything of much worth, but within 30 seconds of being in Rockaway Records I managed to stumble across this 2008 picture disc reissue of Slayer's 2nd album "Hell Awaits". Now yes I realise that a 2008 reissue may not be that impressive to those with access to great local stores, but here in Brisbane, there really aren't any good stores at all that cater to my taste in music, so when I found this in a shop five minutes from my home, I was pretty impressed. Let it be known also, I do not really like picture discs, but at least this version comes housed in a proper sleeve. The store also had a Back On Black reissue of the bands "Show No Mercy" album that I suspect I will return to collect this week at some point. Do you need a description? It's Slayer. I didn't think so.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Toronto's Vile Intent are a band that I am very fond of. Pretty sure I've posted rather favourably about them on here before too. Their second EP, "Regression To The Mean" was more or less my favourite 7" of 2011, and to this day I still jam it at least twice a week. Pure Powerviolence perfection. One of the best bands doing the rounds currently. This is their new CS EP, "Skin In The Game", produced just recently for distribution at Not Dead Yet Fest. I was quick enough to grab one of the left over copies from the Diseased Audio webstore. Not sure if that label had an actual hand in dubbing this or if it was a band job. The label has stated that they may be involved with the upcoming vinyl version of this EP. If you're looking for any kind of natural progression here, you won't get it. What you do get is more of what the band do very well. Stop/start, doomy, blast beat peppered hardcore. Maybe I'm getting a little too excited? I can't say enough good things about these guys.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
To complete the trilogy of posts initiated here and continued here, I present the final piece to the puzzle, the brilliant Nihilist demo tape, "Drowned". Arguably some of the best death metal ever produced and certainly the most influential in terms of a developing Swedish scene of the late 80's. My favourite death metal song of all time can be found here in the opener "Sever Burns" also. Re-written and re-recorded on the second ENTOMBED album, "Clandestine" a few years later, this version of the song is a total LESSON in how this style of music should be written, played and recorded. The tremolo picked riffs that back LG's vocals in the opening verse are just bone shaking. The second version is far inferior in my opinion and they should never have fucked with the way they did.
Now to hunt down the Grave and Dismember demos.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Seems appropriate as I am going to see these guys play tonight, here's a new acquisition in a recent reissue of the the 1996 Eyehategod album, "Dopesick". Pressed a number of time over the years by a few labels, this edition here was released last year by Emetic Records with license from Century Media. A limited white version was created during this press, but mine is on double black with a gatefold sleeve. Considering their wide influence over a lot of great music and a lot of stuff that I really like, I've never really been a massive fan of the band. In terms of southern style doom metal like this, I was raised on a pretty solid diet of arguably more tuneful bands like Down, Iron Monkey and even Superjoint Ritual. Though this album certainly has many greats bits, and it's a record that I feel almost has a right to belong in any proper collection, it's certainly a much more downer kind of album. Easily some of the most depressing music that I listen to anyway. With the mood setting of Mike Williams tortured groans leading into the opening track, coupled with the relatively low quality recording, whenever I listen to this album I just envision shitty things happening like heroin overdoses and people blowing their heads off with shot guns. Perhaps that's why I can't enjoy the band as much as a probably should. I can easily see how the majority of people interested in downer stuff like this will get a rush out of that imagery though.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
One of the best demos of 2010 has finally and rightfully so been pressed to vinyl by Hells Headbangers. I speak of the BRILLIANT Black Jesus from Melbourne and their masterpiece that I originally posted about a couple of years ago. Limited red 12" of (possibly?) 100 copies. With a purely mind blowing blend of thrash, crust and death metal, the band are self described as 'Scrap Metal', and I don't think I could think of a more appropriate description myself. Possibly I seem over enthused about the group? I probably am, but I can't think of a single other current metal collective (except possibly Bone Sickness and Entrapment) that I am more excited about. Certainly one of my favourite top 3 current Australian bands as well. Catchy, interesting and unique, I can't say enough good things about these guys. Based off some recent posts on their facebook page, I think they might possibly have some new music due for release some time very soon also. Can't wait.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Can't really deny the popularity Florida's Obituary seem to experience within hardcore circles. I've been a fan of the band for a long time but my fondness was certainly generated well before I took a stronger interest in anything remotely hardcore. I've never been able to put together just why kids have always taken such an active interest in the band over the many other bands who I consider to be just as worthy of the attention. Most likely the massive riffing they've always been overly adept at using. Anyway, this is a 1997 reissue of their 1989 debut LP ripper, "Slowly We Rot". Black wax pressed by Cargo Records under license from Roadrunner Records. Easily their best stuff, some of the riffing in here is just deadly. The last new material of theirs that I listened to was "Frozen Over" back in something like 2005, but tonight I've downloaded the two LP's that followed that. Curious to hear what they're both like. I read somewhere that they have a new album due this year too.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
More death metal from Netherland's Entrapment, this time their debut 7" from last year, "Crawling Morbidity". Black vinyl, released by the great (and now defunct) Detest Records. As stated yesterday, my purchasing of this was more or less inspired by the positive review it received on a fellow bloggers page a few weeks back. Burly, big Swedish styled death metal with a noticeably cleaner recording this time around compared to the previous tapes. The band have just released their new LP, "The Obscurity Within" on Soul Seller Records. I think I'll need to grab it too.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Inspired by Mark Sandwell's post a few weeks back on his blog about the recent Entrapment 7" I went out and procured myself the latest batch of releases by the band. Now I am quite the fan of this bands first demo "Infernal Blasphemies", but following my post about that cassette last year I kind of lost track of the them a little. Between the first demo and the EP, they also managed to self release this tape at the end of 2010, the "Putrefying Stench Of Death" demo. More blistering Swedish styled death metal from this Dutch unit, I'd quickly argue that this release, while considerably rougher in recording natures, far outweighs the previous material ten fold. This thing could have easily been released as part of the Swedish tape trading scene of the last 80's. Sunlight sound fully in tact, the band employ all the earmarks of that scenes approach; spiralling, descending tremolo picking offset by big crunchy riffs, catchy leads supported by hints of melody, a vocalist with an approach perfectly worthy of being placed along names of great like Petrov, Lindgren and Kärki, all underpinned by a sneaky punk approach evident in the odd d-beat and the Crucifix cover. One of the best Euro bands doing this sound at the moment.
Sunday, November 11, 2012

And the next Delayed Response release, #12, the 2nd Nazi Dentist demo tape "Hostile". More blast beat ridden, PV influenced hardcore, much like their last tape but with a far superior recording this time around and plenty more stop/start structure ala No Comment. 50 copies. Both the band and myself will have them for sale at their upcoming shows. $3 in person. $5 posted around Oz. I haven't arranged any international distribution for this thing but if you want a copy, email me and we will work out the cost. Again, the last one for a while. It's time to save some money.
Contact for both of the above can be made at- stylecat19@hotmail.com. Thank you.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Nailed Down from Perth existed from the early/mid 90's until about 2003. Throughout the bands life, their sound gradually progressed from some kind fast, crusty, dirty mess into what could be best described as the sound that would go on to heavily influence the style that early Extortion made their mark with. This is their final material "Resurrection", originally released on CD in 2003, and then put to this 3x7" by Power It Up Records this year. Black wax. Recently supplied to me by Rohan of Extortion as part of the deal I made with him for the two Ex records I posted about last week, it's a good point to make that Rohan actually played bass on this recording, and the fellow playing drums here- Dean, went on to to bash the skins for a handful of mid era Extortion stuff, most notably the "Sick" LP. I wouldn't say that this is the best Nailed Down music, that title belongs to the bands debut "Violent Distortion", but what you get here emits a massive 'proto' Extortion vibe. Fans of that band would probably find interest in this, but much the same could be said for most of the Nailed Down catalogue.
I've got a handful of friends at Not Dead Yet Fest in Canada at the moment. Someone please grab me a copy of the new Skrapyard mix tape? I have a digital version of it and it's fucking great. Really need a hard copy. Anyone? (EDIT, FOUND THE BANDS BIG CARTEL, COMPLETE WITH THIS TAPE FOR SALE. DON'T WORRY).
Friday, November 9, 2012
Defeat from Perth were a band a number of years ago for a brief minute. Featuring members from a handful of prominent bands from the city, you can probably guess who had a hand in this one. This new s/t 7" has just been pressed by RSR and features the handful of songs that the band put to audio back when they were active. Purple vinyl. Strong, heavy, loose, crust driven grindcore with some obvious doom elements is the flavour of the day here. I'm a little light on further detail than that. Fans of other Perth greats modern and past will likely enjoy this. It's waited way too long for a proper vinyl release.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
More powerful hardcore from Boston, this time the debut 8 track demo tape from instant favourites World War 4. The amount of excitement surrounding this band at the moment is unbelievable. Initial copies of this demo were sold in a limited run at This Is Hardcore Fest earlier in the year, to then be flipped on eBay by several entrepreneurs for stupid prices. Those crazy sales were then followed by a second (and far more widely available) release in the Painkiller Records webstore about six weeks ago. I suppose I can understand the sentiment. CC, Doug Free and DFJ from just about every great current Boston band, playing with Porter from Floorpunch. Even on paper it doesn't take a genius to understand just how massive this band would be. Expect pretty on point hardcore that retains all the sentiment of that great 90's New Jersey band with some pretty blatant Breakdown styles thrown in to boot. Dive bombs, crunchy guitars, mosh bits, fast breaks, lyrics about the edge. You can't really go wrong with this.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Latest (3rd) s/t 7" from everyone's favourites, Hoax. Black vinyl from Painkiller Records. Package wise, this would arguably one of the tidier records that the label has produced in the last few years. Heavy vinyl, thick, fold out card inserts, elaborate artwork/layout. Something that wouldn't seem out of place from the Youth Attack label I guess. Generally, when any one particular band manages to drum up as much hype as this one has in such a relatively short amount of time, I do get a little bit pessimistic. With that in mind, out of the handful of releases that this band can now claim responsibility for, I'm confident that this EP is their best. The recording is dense and loud, the songs are droning and gruff. The depressant, anxious vibe that the band is obviously trying to purvey is done well here. But that doesn't necessarily mean these guys are worth the hype they get. This is good, interesting hardcore, but I really don't think it warrants all of the circle jerking that seems to be associated with it at the moment. If you want slightly left field, 'dark' hardcore, you'll find it here. If you want something that makes you want to cut your wrists open, you'll probably find it here (if that's your thing), but if you want punk that makes you want to punch your boss in the face, you best check out the new Violent Reaction 7".
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Second to yesterday's Extortion/Rupture post, the other record procured in that deal with Rohan was the Test Press for the original edition of the bands s/t 7" from 2005. I've never been a massive test press guy, and I certainly don't buy any test unless it has some kind of differing/cool cover, but I figure if there is going to be any one test I buy this year, it's going to be this one. Obviously this cover doesn't differ greatly from the regular sleeve, but yeah, see the point in the previous sentence.
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