As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Sick People, Downpour and Shackles will be heading out on a bit of an East Coast tour in January. For said tour Sick People will have for sale some new shirts, and along with the purchase of one of these shirts you'll get a free jam room tape. Three new songs with an extremely rough recording, it' no wonder they're free with a shirt. This is Delayed Response #7. I won't have any personally to sell, so if you want one, I guess you'll probably have to make it to one of the bands shows. Yo.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
life becomes a desert around you
After 19 months of waiting I've recieved the Rot In Hell/Integrity split double 7". I think most who read this blog should know the story with the delay of this EP, so I won't bitch any further. A few variants were pressed by Thirty Days Of Nights Records. From what I've read on a few other chaps blogs, there exists this standard press of 500 on a green and blue smudge, along with a more limited black version of 100 and then a band variant on white vinyl of 100. When I initially ordered this 7" back in something like February of 2010 I missed the black version by possibly no more than 20 minutes from what I can tell.
Anyway, though this is a relatively old recording in the scheme of the actual RIH discography, this marks the final recorded output by the original RIH line up. Future releases will feature a new singer and new guitarist. Two songs feature here on the one side of the first record, the first "Erebus" is a pretty standard fare RIH number, jumps back and forth between slower and higher tempos, features a lot of good leads over a heavy crunch, all pinned down by fantastic holy terror styled vocals. The second track "Life Becomes A Desert Around You" is another one of those folky acoustic numbers much like the last one they did on the split with Horders. Minus the cool singing.
Flip the record and you get two Integrity songs. Again, much like a heap of their more recent output, though I read somewhere that these aren't overly new and have seen some kind of official release somewhere else in the last 18 months or so.
Now the second platter is where things get slightly different. The A side of the record consists of Dwid speaking in a low tone over a noisy, 'eery' backing soundtrack. I can't really make out what he's saying but I gather it's some kind of narration. The B side is much the same, beginning with a short acoustic piece that progresses into more noise and what sounds like some sample of a military style 2 way radio transmission.
I heard somewhere at some point that this record was so heavily delayed because of this included booklet that you get. A gatefold sleeve houses the two records, along with this fixed, glossy booklet that contains various artworks drawn by Dwid. I think that the art here is supposed to tie in with Dwids narration on the second 7".

Eh, I don't really think it was worth the wait regardless of how epic the packaging is. Good enough though just for RIH.
Also in the package comes a handful or stickers and a cloth patch.
Friday, December 30, 2011
revel in flesh
Proud new addition to the Skull Fucked tape collection in the form of this original edition of the "Only Shreds Remain" demo from the mighty Nihilist. Self released back in 1989. That's the year I started primary school. Bare bones presentation, but I guess that these things really only served to really spread the bands name back then. Just to get the music into circulation. Nothing more.
Now this might not be the best of the three proper tapes that this band did before they signed to Earache Records and got massive with the new name, but out of just about all of the late 80's/early 90's Swedish death demos from that trading scene, "Only Shreds Remain" is a total genre classic. My absolute favourite Nihilist/Entombed song can be found here too. I plan to chase down the other two Nihilist tapes over time as well.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
wheels of confusion
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Internal Rot Photo Long Exposure.
Obligatory 'best of' list for 2011. As with previous years posts, I've broken it down into categories. As also with previous years, none of these are in any kind of order. I had a heap of pictures included originally but it looked all shit because of the differing sizes etc, so I’ve made it pretty bare bones.
Scapegoat- s/t
This record probably didn't end up being as good as just about everyone expected it to be (or maybe as much as I did); I'll listen to just about their entire back catalogue before I spin this, but it's still a fantastic fast hardcore record. It's obvious that they made some kind of conscious decision to move away from their blatant Crossed Out rip off when they began piecing this record together. What's good is how they managed to retain a total old feel with the recording, without having it sound dated.
Disma- "Towards The Megalith"
I haven’t yet had the chance to post about this monstrosity of an album, as I missed the original release, but I’m really impressed with this New Jersey bands effort. This comes from a handful of guys with notable history’s, most worthy of a mention on this blog I suppose, Daryl of Citizen’s Arrest/Taste Of Fear/Funebrarum etc. Pure down tuned, death metal paranoia. I slept on this band for far too long. Probably the heaviest thing I've heard this year. I will make a proper post about vinyl at some point.
Rot In Hell- "Hallways Of The Always"
You people know what I think about this band. A shining example of good metallic hardcore floating atop (for the most part) a sea of holy terror shit. Nobody can touch these guys, not even Dwid and co. A new singer and new guitarist this year marks (hopefully) a sign of good things to come. A small handful of releases are earmarked.
Autopsy- "Macabre Eternal"
An obvious return to the throne of death metal, it amazes me that guys of this age and history are still so blatantly capable of producing totally knock out, gut wrenching death metal. Most bands just can’t touch this. 20+ years and still killing
Wormrot- "Dirge
Another band that I slept of for way too long, Singapore’s Wormrot have probably produced one of the best grindcore records of the last 5 years with their sophomore effort. I had mp3’s of theirs floating around on my computer for months before I properly discovered them, but as what happens with plenty of bands that I should be familiar with, they simply got lost in the sheer massive amount of new music I’m constantly chasing down. It was inevitable that I would eventually develop some kind of interest in these guys though. The most creative and interesting grind since Insect Warfare’s side on their split with Carcass Grinder. Essential.
Soul Swallower- s/t
Bit of a sleeper here in that I think just about everyone thought this band was done when they first announced that this LP was happening. Beyond categorization, this album draws from so many influences on such a wide scale. Fans of everything from modern hardcore to early 80’s first wave black metal could probably find some kind of interest in this. I doubt that I need to delve much further than that.
Boston Strangler- s/t
I don't think that this is actually out just yet, but the mp3's have been floating around for a while now, and they're pretty cool. Not as good as the demo though. I may be putting this in next years list.
Tear Gas - "The Way Of All Flesh"
Home town heroes (kind of). I enjoyed their demo and initial 7" more, but this is none the less the best example of an Australian band playing old style Japanese hardcore.
Bone Sickness- s/t
I know I said that these were not in any particular order earlier, but I have made an exception for the first two records in this EP category. The debut Bone Sickness single would just about be my number 1 release outright of 2011. I suppose what I like most about the Autopsy style of American death metal (and what I like in a lot of early Swedish death too for that matter), is the obvious, simple punk influence in a heap of the riffs and structures. And that’s what makes Bone Sickness, and this EP so fucking good. For all intent and purpose this IS a pure fucking death metal record, but I can’t see this not entertaining even the most rigid of punk fans.
Vile Intent- "Regression To The Mean"
I don’t think that I have repeatedly spun any other 7” this year as much as I have this record. Over and over and over. Truly impressive. What’s to say? It’s simplistic powerviolence from Canada, but it’s just done so well. Heavy riffs, deadly ring outs, crazy blasts, groaned vocals. It doesn’t sound overly impressive in text, but I can’t get enough of this EP.
No Tolerance- "No Tolerance, No Remorse"
Borderline 2012, I doubt I’ll actually receive this record in the mail until early January, but I have actually ordered and paid for it, and other people are already spinning their platters so this just makes it. In whole not as good as their demo, but the best song they’ve written can be found here. No bullshit Boston hardcore from the nu scene. Now you know.
Corpsessed- "The Dagger And The Chalice"
Finland’s finest right here doing what they do best; playing Finnish death metal. Heavily comparable to Disma’s LP, these guys haven’t seen half the hype of that band and I don’t know why. This is better. The day I first played the opening riff on the opening intro I was hooked. Heaviest of the heavy?
Internal Rot- s/t
The Bosses of Melbourne grind debut with a blistering display of downright chaos. Until that Wormrot LP came along this was slated as my number 1 grind release of the year. It’s not too far behind.
Suburbanite- s/t
Top of the Youth Attack pile is New York’s Suburbanite with this 7” of fast, punchy hardcore. I heard that this is the singer from Aerosols new band and I must say that this is his best vocal performance so far. What I probably like most about this EP is the fantastic recording. Clear without sounding over produced with all the right scum in all the right places. Catchy stuff.
Get Destroyed- "Shut In"
I’ve raved on and on about this band over the last two years or so, and for good reason. EP number 3 for the band marks probably their heaviest and most slick recording. Thick, downtuned guitars backed with punchy drumming and the best PV styled vocals in modern hardcore. I prefer their prior 7”, but this is still a brilliant release. New LP in 2012.
Waste Management- "Power Abuse"
Easily the most on point example of rehash Boston hardcore. So many catchy riffs and hard breaks. I hate writing stuff about bands that really don’t need any kind of introduction. This is hardcore.
Stab- s/t
Another one of those borderline releases. I've paid for mine, but I doubt I'll get it until next year.
Death Evocation- s/t
Hardest opening riff of 2011 goes to the first song on this EP. Total thrash/crust mayhem from England/Boston. Not to be fucked with.
Tremors- "Island Songs"
One of the best demos of 2010 went to this London unit and their debut 7" barley misses a more in depth post here. Classy recording for a powerful, thrashy hardcore band.
Impalers- s/t
Some musicians have it, some don't. Obviously Chris of Impalers/Mammoth Grinder/Hatred Surge has it. Better than their demo, this is the coolest incarnation of Discharge I've ever heard.
Put To Death- s/t
It's beyond me how Chris Corry manages to perfect everything he has anything to with musically. What he and Alex Hughes have created here is pure later era Infest tribute. Everything here wreaks of that last LP that that band did.
Hatred Surge/Mammoth Grinder split LP
An utterly unhealthy obsession with both of these bands cements this release as my favourite split of the year. Some of the best stuff from both bands.
Brutal Supremacy comp 2x7"
Not even going to bother writing about this one. You know what I think.
Mindsnare/Ringworm split 7"
In retrospect this split probably isn't as great as I originally lauded. Mindsnare have some much better songs and the Ringworm tracks are boring. It's a bit of a shame really; had the decision been made to include that preview Mindsnare track, this could have been fucking great, as that song is one of Mindsnare's best. Still a cool split.
Agoraphobic Nosebleed/Despise You split LP
As I stated when I originally posted about this record, i've never been much of a fan of Ag Nosebleed and i'm still not. Despise You are a great band though, and this is a brilliant return to form for them.
Shit Weather- Demo Tape
Awesome hardcore/PV demo from Melbournes purveyors of pain. Actual world class punk. I expect cool things from this band.
Sick People- "No Excuse" Demo Tape
Am I up my own arse for including a demo in this list that I released myself? Too bad. Brisbane hardcore at it's best.
Stab- Demo Tape
Straight outta London comes Stab with this handful of tracks totally dedicated to the loving memory of Ripcord and (good era) Heresy.
Mammon- "Demiurge" Demo CD
As far as I know this would be rated as a demo. Three songs all exceeding the 5 minute mark. Many influences including punk, doom death and black. Great band, great release.
Burn The Hostages- Demo CD
Refreshing change of pace for the Australian scene comes in the form of this 2 track demonstration of Eyehategod styled doomed out metal from Melbourne's Burn The Hostages. Members of other notable local acts. Not to be missed.
Shackles- "Preliminary Harm" Tape
Again, my release, but I don't care. Best Australian metallic PV/mosh interpretation of 2011.
Violent Reaction- Demo Tape
More brilliant English hardcore in the form of this new tape from Violent Reaction. Again, I haven't received mine yet, but it's in the mail.
Downpour- Demo Tape
So proud to have something to with this demo. What a band.
ZOM- Demo Tape
Again, borderline 2012. Death metal from some of the guys from Crowd Control.
God Harvest- Demo Tape
Probably the coolest example of Nasum styled grindcore coming from the US at the moment. New releases slotted for 2012.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
You've probably noticed the lack of posting over the last month. This is mainly a result of the combination of a few things; a) the inherent lack of quality releases over the last little while; b) me becoming an ultra tight arse with my cash since I got back from the UK and; c) an obvious lack of time to get any actual blogging done. A new job role and raise at work has me doing 60 hour weeks. I do a have a small handful of records due in the mail (Master LP reissues, new Painkiller releases, Nihilist demo tape, Gehenna related stuff amongst others), a couple of which are over due, so expect some more posting after the new year hopefully. I'm probably going to start posting about existing parts of my collection too, as the vast majority of it has never seen time on this blog. I also plan to bang out one of those year end lists in the first week of January.
In the meantime, here's a couple things worthy of note.
I recently did a run of tapes for the Byron Bay metallic PV inspired unit SHAKL∑S. Arrest Records Australia is now running pre orders for the bands debut 7", "Maunder". It's due early next month. The band is so great on all fronts, give it a go here.
January will also see an entire East Coast tour by three bands that I've worked with in the last year. Sick People, Downpour and SHAKL∑S will be doing a run of shows from Byron Bay all the way down to Melbourne. Mayhem kicks of January 12th and runs through till January 22nd. Here's a link to the facebook page for the tour. I may be attending this entire leg if I can swing time off work. Come and say hi, and then I'll punch you in the face.
Monday, December 5, 2011
ripping flesh
Tape post part 2: Death metal. First up, the 2010 demo tape "Infernal Blasphemies" from Dutch freaks, Entrapment. Two tracks of very faithful Swedish styled death metal plus a Nihilist cover. One certainly couldn't be blamed for mistaking this as material from that infant Swedish tape trading scene. On point metal released by Detest Records. I did read somewhere at some point earlier this year that they have a new 7" due very soon. I can't remember details, but I think it'l be something to keep an ear out for.

Next up, the first demo from Finland's Swallowed, "Epitaph Of Nauseation". The debut release from Detest Records, since this thing was originally released back in 2008 the band have intentionally progressed their sound into a much darker, occult, downtuned kind of vibe, but with this tape the band were certainly having a good crack at a much more simplistic American death metal ala Autopsy and maybe even Master. Wouldn't you know it, they do a pretty on point rendition of an Autopsy song here too. I guess the two highlights here for me are the really rough recording and the vocalists prefect style. So many great early Autopsy similarities. Track this demo down and give it a listen and you'll know what I am talking about.

And today's final post subject, the demo tape from Victoria's Doomed Beast. I recently picked this up in a trade with my mate Berkay. The name says it mostly, epic doom metal cross bred with some NWOBHM vibes. Three tracks. Very clean and professional package from Abysmal Sounds.

Sunday, December 4, 2011
slow death
A sturdy backlog of tapes leads me to today's post. First up is the second demo from Melbourne's Kicked In. These guys play a pretty ragged take on rough Boston Hardcore I suppose, but without the real macho sentiments. They've copped a bit of flak from a few people for various reasons, but I really like this stuff. A few of the tracks here make a reappearance after the first demo and to be honest I preferred that recording over this tape, but from what I can tell, this one seems to have gone down better with general hardcore public.

Never Right from Sydney seem to be reasonably popular at the moment. For those internationals concerned, this marks something like the 4th or 5th band from (former Deadstare frontman) Brett Eberhard in the last few years. This is vastly different from that band though, much more along the lines of popularised NYHC vibes. I think I heard these guys compared to Think I Care at some point too and I guess I can see the similarities. I'm not hugely excited about this demo though, just comes across as relatively standard stuff.

This is the Square One demo "Suburban Rage". Not too sure about all the details of this band, but I know they're fronted by a German fellow who is mutual friends with some people I know. I think they're from Sydney too. They play a really cool take on the late 80's Rev Records vibe. Similar recording, and sound in general. Hard NYHC. Pretty cool little tape. This is the special 'Edge Day Release' version (yes, we Aussies had an edge day show this year) with a red cassette. A few other colours exist as well.

And last but not least, the new demo tape from Sydney's Sick Society. Really cool, gruff hardcore, these guys have been compared a few times to earlier Violent Minds, and I am positive that these parallels have been drawn entirely due to Ben Coyle's vocal style on display. Very similar. The music is somewhat different though, certainly baring a few similarities, but generally just much more bouncy and hooky. On a side note, since this demo was recorded, my mate Sick Rick (of Sick People) has joined ranks as vocalist so Ben can concentrate on other duties within the band (guitar I think). Not sure if they plan to record with Rick, but it would be cool if they did, his style would suit this music perfectly. Released by Thomo and his label Rain On The Parade, mine is numbered 22/50.

Saturday, December 3, 2011
With all of the hype at the moment that's associated with the recent reformation of the original Black Sabbath line up, and the news of a brand spanking album and related world tour next year, it looks like my local record store has decided to cash in and load in copies of reissues of the bands first four classics. I grabbed just "Paranoid", but I might go back for s/t depending on whether my finances permit. Black wax of I'm assuming some innumerable amount with a gatefold sleeve. Standard fare for a major I guess. Nice n clean.
I doubt very much that I need to go into any kind of detail in describing this album? Geez I hope not anyway. Pretty much the only 'Sabbath record that I can listen to from beginning to end in one sitting without getting bored. Sometimes I spin it over twice. What a platter.

Regardless of how people feel about the reformation of the band, I still think it will be very interesting to see how this new material will turn out.
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